Finally, based on the FE results, the GE/ EPRI-type J estimation equation along the crack front was proposed. 对油气管道内部轴向表面半椭圆裂纹进行了断裂分析,提出了改进的J积分估算公式。
Influence of Solute Segregation on Crack Susceptibility at Solidification Front of Continuous Casting Strand 溶质偏析对连铸坯凝固前沿裂纹敏感性影响的研究
How safety, develop efficiently the petroleum resources is a hard nut to crack to put in the petroleum industry in front. 如何安全、高效地开发石油资源是摆在石油工业面前的一道难题。
This model enables rapid approximate computation of the crack surface displacement and the crack front plastic zone size in the three-dimensional crack. 应用位移基本解,磁电热弹材料三维裂纹问题被转化为求解一组以裂纹表面位移间断为未知函数的超奇异积分方程问题。
A huge crack appeared in the earth in front of us. 我们面前的土地出现了巨大的裂缝。
Study on Fatigue Crack Front Straightness in CTOD Weld Specimen of Metallic Thick Plank 金属焊缝CTOD试样疲劳裂纹前沿平直度研究
In this paper, the crack growth angles in front of ⅰⅱⅲ mixed mode crack were measured by means of overloading the threedimensional photoelastic model with ⅰⅱⅲ mixed mode semicircular crack. 通过带Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ复合型半圆形裂纹的三维光弹性模型的破坏性试验,测量了复合型裂纹前沿不同位置处的开裂角。
Using the above method, mode-I and mixed-mode crack problems of typical cracks are numerically calculated and the electroelastic intensity factors near the crack front are given, accuracy of results are found to be very high; 应用上述方法,对典型裂纹问题的Ⅰ型断裂问题和混合型断裂问题进行了数值计算,得到了裂纹前沿的电位移、应力强度因子的数值结果。
Research on the Properties of the Crack-resistance Front Mortar 抹面抗裂砂浆性能的试验研究
Traction singular midside-node crack element is used near the crack front, and a combined method for calculating the stress intensity factors is proposed. 在裂纹前缘附近区域使用了面力奇异的边中节点裂纹单元,提出了计算应力强度因子的位移应力共截距法。
To explain the application of this criterion, the propagation of a embeded elliptic crack and some through cracks with straight front are discussed in the paper. 为了说明该准则的应用,文中具体研究了埋藏椭圆盘状裂纹和直前缘穿透裂纹的扩展行为。
In this paper, the local energy release rates are obtained for a planar crack in three dimensional transversely isotropic piezoelectric media by making use of the displacements, stresses and stress intensity factors near the crack front. The corresponding fracture criterion is established. 基于三维压电陶瓷中的一般平片裂纹前沿的位移、应力和应力强度因子的表达式〔18,19〕,求得局部机械能释放率,以此建立了压电陶瓷的断裂准则。
This paper introduces the principle and the methods of applying ultrasonic waves to the test-ing of the speed, the acceleration and the dynamic cracking parameters of the respondence crack front; some experiments are presented as illustration. 本文介绍了利用超声波定量测试裂纹失稳扩展的速度、加速度以及动态断裂响应参数等量的原理、方法,并给出了若干实验实例。
The complicated issue of the so-called vertex singularity near the corner point of the intersection of a three-dimensional crack front and the free surface of the solid are reviewed and discussed. 回顾和探讨了位于三维裂纹前沿和固体自由表面交叉点附近的被称作复杂尖端奇异性的问题。
Finally a simple function is suggested to describe the SIF-distribution along crack front. 最后,建议了一个简单函数来统一描述表面裂纹尖端的SIF分布。
The results show the range from simple perforation with crack to bursting at the front and back wall. 给出了铝压力容器前、后壁从穿孔到裂纹失稳破裂的实验结果。
Making fatigue crack with straight front is a difficult key problem during CTOD test of welds in metallic thick plank. 在金属厚板焊缝CTOD试样中预制前沿平直的疲劳裂纹,是CTOD试验的一个关键难题。
An equivalent thickness conception is proposed to consider the crack closure effects and the three-dimensional stress constraints along the crack front by use of the theory obtained for the straight through thickness crack. 提出了等效厚度的概念,利用穿透直裂纹的研究结果,考虑表面裂纹扩展中塑性致闭和三维应力约束效应。
Headend Ductile Fracture Analysis on the Crack Arrest Effect of the Crack Front Reinforcement 弹塑性裂纹前端部分加强板的止裂效果分析
The influence parameters, such as the length, width, thickness, elastic modulus of CFRP, and the thickness, shear modulus of adhesive, on stress intensity factor ( SIF) of fatigue crack front face were studied with finite element method ( FEM). 采用有限元分析方法,详细研究了CFRP长度、宽度、厚度、弹性模量,胶层的剪切模量和厚度等各种参数对加固效果的影响。
Numerical results indicated that plane strain state ( approximately) was the main feature around the 3D crack front in the midsection of Mode I specimen, but the maximum values of stress triaxiality ( R σ) were found only in the vicinity of ligament. 结果表明:在试样中面附近围绕Ⅰ型裂纹前缘,应力状态均具有明显的平面应变特征,而应力三轴度(Rσ)仅在韧带附近为最大。
In V-notch specimens, however, a crack may be initiated at a distance in front of the notch root. 然而在V型缺口试样中,裂纹则起裂于距缺口根部一定距离处。
The size and shape of the crack front were updated using the result of finite element program, and then the crack propagation was simulated by moving the node. 利用有限元计算的结果来自动更新裂纹前沿的尺寸和几何形状,并使用节点移动法来模拟裂纹的扩展过程。
Results show that the zone around the crack front conforms to linear elastic fracture mechanics ( LEFM), and it is helped to understand better the wear mechanisms of hip prosthesis contact. 结果表明:裂纹顶部区域符合线弹性断裂机理,这有助于更好地了解骨移植后接触区的磨损机理。
A study of configuration of propagating crack front 稳态扩展裂纹前缘形态的研究
Similar to the shape evolution of surface cracks, the SIF-distribution along crack front shows a clear characteristic during the process of crack growth. 同裂纹形状演化一样,疲劳裂纹扩展过程中裂纹尖端的SIF分布表现出明显的特征。
They are straight crack front and elliptical crack front. The concept of load spectrum is introduced. The crack depth ratio varied with the local flexibility coefficient and the crack shaft deformation ratios are discussed. 本文首先针对直裂纹前缘和椭圆型裂纹前缘这两种类型的裂纹前缘,介绍了载荷谱的概念,讨论了裂纹深度比随局部柔度系数和裂纹轴变形比的变化。
This model can be used to calculate the opening stresses and effective stress intensity factor ranges along non-through curve crack front line. 此模型能够准确计算非穿透曲线裂纹前沿张开应力和有效应力强度因子幅度,进而可以应用于裂纹扩展寿命以及形状演化模拟预测。
The main results obtained are as follows: ( 1) The weld residual stress ( WRS) has a great influence on the distribution of the stress intensity factors along the inner-surface circumferential crack front, and the influence is more larger for the deeper the crack. 得到了以下主要研究结果:(1)焊接残余应力(WRS)对内表面周向裂纹前沿的应力强度因子K分布有很大影响,其影响的程度随裂纹深度的加深而增大。